Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty by Faith in Jesus Christ.
Sundays at CRT begin when you first wake up. We encourage our members to begin worship at home. Before they enter, the intercessors are in the church praying and destroying enemy strongholds. They set the atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to move. Sunday School begins at 9:30 am topics are relevant to our needs, biblical, sound, and are intended to transform our minds.
Morning worship begins at 10:00 am and the Holy Spirit is invited to take over through prayer, scripture-anointed worship, and open participation. No two Sundays are alike because at CRT God is Doing A New Thing all the time.
Isaiah 43:18-19. Bible study and new members' classes allow for spiritual growth. Holy Communion provides our strength and healing. Our members are aware that all we need is already provided in Christ Jesus
You Are Invited, Join Us!
Love is shown in action as we give to each other, fellowship, feed, clothe, and visit the sick & shut-in as well as those in prison.
Join the Mighty Men of Valor Ministry to fellowship with the brothers. Join the Women of Destiny Ministry to fellowship with the Women or the Youth Ministry to form relationships and experience ample opportunities to show love in the body of Christ. There is something for everyone and many ways to obey the greatest commandments to Love God first and then to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Join Us!
It is God's will that no one should perish but that all should be saved. We know you are concerned about the salvation of your family and we are as well. We unite with each other to bring our families in through love, prayer, and sowing the Word in their hearts. Marriage and babies are exciting to us! Counseling is available also to families in need.
Whatever your family's needs are, we will go through with you. Submit a prayer request today.
Matthew 25:35-37
For I was an hungered, and you gave me meat; I was Thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me in:...(KJV)
At CRT we aim to obey and live out this scripture. We believe in giving not just money but time to others. To serve our community, the Gift-Of-Love Ministry provides a hot meal every 4th Saturday between the hours of 12 pm and 3 pm. Our Free Apparel store on the second floor of the school is open to all as needed and during our monthly meals. The Ministry is kept together by our seniors as we continue to help fight hunger in this area. Although we are small we thank God for the ability to do what we can.
Visit the giving page to make a donation to our monthly meals. Join Us in The fight against Hunger Physically and Spiritually: Feed Them What We Eat.